Monday, May 15, 2006

Finally the last chapter of the nonsense, humiliating, people whacking, files throwing, fan crashing, money losing internet politic...

How to catch yourself a big fish (Part 3)

So everything will be revealed here... Biggest conspiracy of all time, bigger than whether the black guy is a gay or!!! The white n the black guy *opps ... the black (by the way shouldn't it be the dark guy? in correct grammar?) will be distinguished...

Kindly read my previous blog if u dunno anything about what the crap i'm talking about.
*flash back 2 hours b4 D-day
THG suddenly knocked at my door and drag me n V to his room... hhahaha... something must be going on behind the shadow... hahhahaha....

The big fish & the small fry were bringing back the new ( but what the heck smae old model ) router + an amplifier.... which i dunno what the fucking reason for it....

ok, so now...THG the black guy had already discussed the stupid additional cost and now they wanna drag me in becoz i have my own agenda with the big fish which is not yet resolved... Somehow they got mentioned like wanna pull out from it and let the big fish and small fry die choking , gasping for air.. OK here it goes...

THG : u know the big dish ( it's a dish here coz the fish is going to get fried tonight) bought one extra amplier...dunno what's his motive... *me thinking : oooo motive, thought u r his freaking business partner....

Me: ya... of course....he surely going something up his sleeves... blah blah.. he's going to die.. better make sure he dun screw up anything or else i won't let him go easily....

The black guy: Yalo... y dun he buy a better one instead the smae old model which is sucky....

V: .....

Finaly they know the stupid router politic is going to kill the friendship slow n easy.....And now for the 1st time the "internet politic" is 1st introduced into our lives... hahahahaha

BLah boring conversation , until the fat loudmouth came back n we changed venue into my room...

Loudmouth : i'm very fair.. blah blah blah...u all r my friends.. both of them r my friends too... yala... i know.. u have a stinking mouth...

Coz we planned to kick the fished out of water... talk talk talk, plan plan plan until one part of the stupid conspiracy is revealed...the black guy had some stupid relationship with the big fish in the previous vote, or else i would win easily without any resistance from the fish...And the answer he gave me is "coz u were not my ally ma" what the fuck.. and yeah the loud mouth pointed out one question , since that fish so cunning , will i be cheated out of the money in the joint business * come one laaaa.... since u r so smart enough... i will laugh LIKE I NEVER LAUGH b4 seeing u got cheated in front of ur fucking eyes ....K keep taking some stupid crap n plan to kill teh fish that night...




The black guy called the fish to check whether he's back d or not... ooo surprisingly he's on his room d.. so we went up ... with all my ammo loaded n ready *got blasted by them a few moment b4, coz they only know i wanna use the chance to fry me a fish*
Woohoo.. the moment i stepped in Jo's room... i had nothing to say d.. coz :
  1. the router is in his room n not in the fish's room
  2. nothing to argue d
  3. no plan anymore

The fish was smart... lucky him... hahahah... So the black guy set up the router + the amplifier... then Jo the chicken walked in n whispered.. " hey have u all asked the fish to show the router? must ask him u know.." Fuck u laaa.. since u r his housemate y dun u go ask from him.. u think he what? saddam hussien with veto?

So the rest were outside watching some stupid low class show the fish had downloaded earlier....yada yada... n the black guy still setting up the router... then THg came in n checked out for a while... The black guy called the fish to help him... the fish never replied... The black guy called out his name again... yet no answer...For the fucking last time "&@*&(*(%^" (his name ... changed to protect his identity... and another time no sound from the fish ......

*This happened really fast.. no time to capture it....

The black guy got a hold of a pile of files underneath Jo's bed... n BANG.. Something flew out from the room.... And everyone was stunned... WOohOO... 1 point for the black guy in incredible hulk mode... woooHooO.... The fish by now should already pee-ed in his shorts...CIBAI what the fuck..... stick to the plan stick to the plan// but seriously i enjoyed this alot... blood spalting... come one.. give me die fishy die.....woohooo... missiles firing from every direction... n the vitim? YAB... woohoo finally his name appeared.. coz the files belong to him....

The table fan of the small fry was broken... n the black guy rushed out to treathen the fish... Talking about anger management.. luckily to be blocked by the loudmouth... n somehow.. the small fry keep barking.. barkking like a dog... for what reason.. let u all guess:
  1. His fan was broken?
  2. For fun?
  3. To defend the fish?

The answer is 3... what the heck.. can someone talk some sense to that fucking LOYAL DOG? My god... as outsider what do u think? someone broke ur fan accidentaly coz he was angry with somebody else... n u got all hulked up not becoz ur fan is broken but to defend the other guy? Come on laa... what does the owner feed u with all these times? JUst shut up laa.. penang guy.. u know u just look like the oenang a pek... n geeky look... just shut u when they asked u too... u know u just nearly got ur face whacked becoz of this....

After some shoutings n cursing n whatever.. the black guy wanna pull out from the internet stuff d... and there's something called money back guaranteed...the black guy called THG to calculate the amot of money he can get,.. And this is another conspiracy part dunno which idiot shout out 6 months... what the... he already used the internet for like 9 months.. n yet i only realized this the next day.. i was conned out of my money...

I have nothing to say.. coz this was out of any plan... coz who will think of violence suddenly just shut up laaa....

Blah blah blah... we changed scene back to the black guy's room.... the loud mouth giving lecture... " u dun like somebody dun go near them laa... whatever.. cibai nonsense he's talking.. " Since u so smart why dun u go n become a councellor....

Then for no reason, the fish appeared.. what la.. seeking apology after fixing the router.. say dun have physical pain... but the heart is painful.. go to hell laa.. never seen u did this act also last time....

So the night ended the way... with both side losing... but me? i had sometime to think of some restrategising.... and caused some small waves the next day... which hurted the fish a lot... n thus putting myself on the chopping block also...

But for now... the waves have subsided... the wind has stopped.. The clouds have cleared... But does this really mean the end of it? Or something gargantuan is just around the shadow really to strike back? I dun dare to say.. it's just a sign of the coming of a huge storm perhaps....

Fuck... i sux at this.. can;t even create a good narrated story.. what the.. next time no more.. conspiracy theory... no more.. i swear... but gossips? YES everyone loves gossips


At 6:21 AM, Blogger Angelus said...

sorry... i know.. told d.. i sux at this... maybe V can tell u in detaill.. but u must meet him in person lol... i luv his story telling

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very confunsing!!!i think only those who are involved are able to understand what you were wrting about...

At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

At 2:24 AM, Blogger Angelus said...

may i know who's this? the anoymous

At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.


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