Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Now everyone can fly.. errr and become a doc !!!

Have u every noticed that those bastard with BAD result n i mean bad.. can actually pay money n resit n resit again to get their medical certs? come on... now every idiot with rich parents can affort to become doc n they come in numbers... so do we dare to let doc with result as low as 2As in spm.. CCD in Alevel to treat us.. think about it that we put our life at risk in their hands...

What's wrong with everybody that can only dream of becoming a doc.. it's sickening... it's not noble as they always charge ppl with cut throat price.. n basically they r some brain dead zombies.. who basicaaly only stick with their books ( this is for the kiasu ppl ) ...

And lastly .. bastards.. if result sux.. go n sweep the roadside enough.. dun try to act smart n pay for ur certs.. u all sux.. idiots... dumb ppl go to the dumpster



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