Thursday, October 19, 2006

FOOD - the culprit behind diseases, fatigue, insomnia and indigestion

It is true that a change in menu is sometimes good for the stomach. When your stomach gets the same food over and over again, your stomach might get irritated by the allergens which you're taking daily. The allergic reaction might get worse and sometimes unnoticed because you would have never suspected it from food since you keep taking the same food anyway. Food allergy can cause severe discomfort in the stomach, bloating and insomnia and retention of water. When it goes unremoved, certain food allergens like certain kinds of Fruits, wheat or even oily foods or dry food could cause severe stress to the stomach. The nerves in the stomach control certain reflexes like mood and sleep. So, if you're getting stressed up at the stomach, many psychological and physiological symptoms appear and you might be having aggression, depression or paranoia from the inability to sleep. Long term effects can be deterring to the physical and mental health because the body is not getting the food it needs due to indigestion and does not get enough rest because of body stress. So if you're having fatigue, a case of indigestion or stomach discomfort, and unable to sleep for a prolonged period, try looking at your diet besides looking for medication that can soothe the symptoms. Diet is the key and it can remove these symptoms forever and help you lead a healthier, balanced and wholesome lifestyle. Your mind and body will get better and all psychologial and physiological disorders would disappear.

Here's the link to a source:


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