Monday, May 08, 2006

Release yourself from troubles

What do you do when you face troubles? Do you fret and worry? Don't do that, seek inner guidance and release the rest of the matter that couldn't be resolved to light. The buddha once spoke of effortless living as the real way of life. This may sound contradictory to one of the values in the eight fold path which is the right effort, but effortless living here does not mean that you don't have to do anything. You just have to do what is in your mind. Listen to your own inner guidance, follow it positively, create a positive mindframe, pray for positive results and take your action. All things done should be forgotten once the lessons are learnt. Hold not to the past and release yourself from trouble and the cycle of life. There shouldn't be any burden. You are a creature of light, a creation of evolution or god. You can live your life free of fear and that is the real intention of life, a life of meaning and wholeness.


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