Thursday, July 06, 2006

Our life is just like a book, everyday we start a new chapter and end everything at night… Sometimes we just get a steady pace for a long time; sometimes we get excited for a long time.
Wonder what will we encounter every new day? May it be good? Or may it be bad? Is our whole path been written by some unknown higher beings or we are just opening and exploring our own path?
It’s true that life is unpredictable, like a stone throw into the water and causes ripples, sometimes it lasted a while, sometimes not… somehow, just somehow every move, every decision that we take will determine the outcome of the story…
For me, my whole life or my so called “book” is just plain normal, of course with some ups and downs, but mostly ups…because I seldom met with failure… And I dare say this is not a good sign… Those who never met with failures won’t grow up… really … I think I have everything right night, at this moment... And if you ask me to let it go, I won’t… And one day if I lose everything I wouldn’t dare to think the consequences…
This is the path that I need to take alone, write only by me. And there’s no take 2 in life… You only got one shot... And no one will give you a second chance…
Wonder how a storyline will be without any climax or orgasm (no pun intended); it will be damn bored… How to make the book interesting then? 1st you need to find an antagonist then find trouble with him/she… so I pitied those nice people who always have smile on their face… maybe the smiles are fixed on a mask and they always take them off every night, when no one’s around.
So I don’t believe there’s no one out there that doesn’t have any problem… people see me as the one without worries, but I do have my own problems, just that I conceal it smartly, but really if compare to others I think I only have minor problems, just a storm inside a teacup once in a while… Basically I don’t think much far into the future and just do whatever I have in front of me…I’m happy with it… You can say I’m not ambitious; yes I’m not… so what…Same as the book you won’t know what will happen next until you flip to another page.
How to end the book then? Will it end with a high note? Or will it just stop abruptly? It all depends on the path we took and is thee any surprise element installed in it…So for now, why don’t anyone just take a break, unwind, and rest yourself... Sometimes I’m really tired of the rat race that I’m participating in… How long will it go? When will it end? Where will it lead me? Can I bear the outcome? You tell me…as a reader…


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