Monday, May 08, 2006

A tribute to Lord Buddha

There are many buddhas contrary to common belief. According to modern interpretation Buddhas are equivalent to god. (which some people tried to argue with me about especially other religious groups when I claim that the Buddha is revered for his teachings and philosophy and not his godliness. But since you put it that way, oh well, in many terms Buddha can be considered god, depending on what you mean by god) God in the highest realm of existence, some believe non-existence, which I agree to an extent. There have been debates and according to the texts, Buddhas go through a cycle where each ruling buddha will appear at a certain time and another buddha will take over once his dominion span has ended. When that happens, I believe Buddhas go into extinction and they only remain as a being admired by men for countless eons to come (if the stories of the Buddhas survive the long time span) such as the primordial buddha, Samantabhadra Buddha. There have been prophecies by Shakyamuni Buddha, the current ruling buddha that there will be priods where the dharma he taught will be remembered and then lost and rediscovered by other future buddhas. All buddhas speak the same truth, and that is the ultimate law of the universe. One of which is rebirth. Although certain religion do not acknowledge rebirth as a part of life, more and more people are coming to see and remember that rebirth is a process which is caused by attachment to worldy possession such as fame, fortune, family, etc..etc.. Edgar Cayce, the famous Christian psychic spoke of reincarnation, so do many New Age believers of various faiths who regard reincarnation as a part of the cycle of life. Each being will be reincarnated unless they release themselves from the bonds of attachment. Even deities and high spirits and elementals are reincarnated once their lifespan is up. It is like different parallel realities which like the human world comprises of birth and death. The sutras once spoke of ancient civilizations that would live for eons and centuries due to their good karma. This may not refer to the earthly plane and could refer to the higher planes of existence instead such as heaven. This depicts the story of Adam and Eve who were cast down to Earth to lead a human existence which is shorter due to their sins. That is why Buddhists always make aspirations for themselves and others to be born in the higher planes and if possible liberate themselves from all forms of existence, to be a bodhisattva or buddha. There are various families of buddha each representing the most refined characteristic of all existence such as wisdom, perfection, life, kindness and healing. There are five main families of buddha each with their own distinct name and characteristic. All buddhas are one and one is all. They take many forms and the category that we split them into just explains each of the vast virtous quality that they have that we can emulate. Of my favourite buddhas are Manjusri, the wisdom buddha, Amitaba, the Buddha of paradise, Medicine Buddha and, Vairochana, the teacher Buddha and Amoghasidi Buddha, the Northern transcendental Buddha of Karma. Of the buddhas above starting from amitaba, they're dyani buddhas. Manjushri is the prince of bodhisattvas in the dhyani cluster and is the intrinsic quality of all the buddhas. He is the emanation of all the Buddha's wisdom. Buddhas are given names and figures to remind us of the virtuous quality each represents so we can identify with the certain quality in a more focused way. We all eventually embody all virtues of the buddha and it only needs to be cultivated.


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