
Whose side are you on.



grabbed all these nice pics from
Been occupying my time reading all of these comics which are involved with marvel's highly awaited series. Something is looming in the horizon as the marvel universe are been splited into 2 blocks, one leaded by Tony Starke aka Iron Man, another by Steve Roger, Captain America.
Written by Mark Millar and penciled by Steve McNiven, this is certainly a must read series for every comic fan.
So this is what i've read until the June edition:
The opening shot of the Civil War begins shortly after with a reckless fight between the New Warriors, filming a reality television show, and a cadre of villains in Stamford, Connecticut. The battle goes awry for the heroes, resulting in villain Nitro creating an explosion that destroys a local school and the surrounding neighborhood, and kills 612 of the citizens but Speedball , one of teh new warriors that lost his kinetic power with in turn keeps him alive. And tis accelerated the signing of the super heroes act that tore all the heroes apart.
Amazing Spiderman
Spider man receive his new read and gold costume from Tony Stark, after his reborn in "the Other" and vowed to support him until the end.. And suprisingly he revealed that he's peter parker in front of the national tv.
His armour is pretty awesome, bulletproof, enable him to glide in the air, contain 3 mechanical arms at his back, infrared n low frequency radar...But it's unsure whether his "new stingers" can come out from it wirst... For those who missed "The Other" spiderman was killed but reborn again with enchanced agility, plus posionous stingers And he doesn;t need any web catridge anymore...coz he can produce organice webbings!!
Fantastic 4
The hammer of Thor fell from the heavens and cause an upstir between the fantastic 4 and Von Doom, who crawled back from hell due to Ragnarok. I'm sure Thor will make a comeback sooner or later.
Civil War
Captain America'slife turn upside down, from america's beloved hero into a fugitive as he refused to help SHIELD hunt down all the heroes that refuse to sign the act. meanwhile there's still no news from nick fury who went into hiding.
new Avengers
All the while the asshole Tony is the one setting up the act into motion...Wait until Cap made a comeback n whack him in his tin can.
Quote of the day
Your enemy can kill you, but only ur friend can hurt you. By JJJ after peter revealed he's spiderman.
found this article in my book , very interesting.
Was braucht der Mensch zum wohnen? Er braucht ein Dach ueberm Kopf. Er braucht ferner einien Stuhl zum Sitzen (und einen fuer den Besuch), einen Tisch zum Essen, Screiben, Spielen und Artbeiten. Er braucht ein Bett zum Schlafen und einen Schrank fuer die Siebensachen. Schliesslich muss er noch einen Platz finden fuer die Dinge, die ihm leib sind und etwas von ihm erzaehlen. Und so braucht er nach und nach immer mehr, und was er hat, wird immer teurer und schwere. Der Stuhl wird zum Sessel, breit und bunt, und bildet bald eine Familie, die Couchgarnitur. Der Schrank geht in die Breite und wird zur Schrankwand.
Und schon wohnt der Mensch nicht nur, sondern er repraesentiert mit seiner Wohnung. Seht, das ist mein Reich, das bin ich, so weit habe ich es gerbracht! Unterdessen ist das Mobiliar si voluminoes und zahlreich gerworden, die Wohnung dabei immer enger, so dass nun ganz deutlich wird:
In dieser Versammlung von wohnlichen sachen ist einer zu viel - der Mensch
Manfred Sack
What does a man need in his house? He needs a roof over his head, a chair for sitting (and for visitor), a teable for eating, writing, playing and working. He needs a bed to sleep a cupboard for his belongings. Finally he needs to find a place for things that he loves and remind him of himself. And so, he needs more and more, and everything that he has will become more expensive and heavier. the chair will become a sofa, wide and colourful. After he built a family the sofa will be changed into a bigger couch. The small cupboard will become bigger and later chnaged into a larger wall cabinet. Soon, the house is not a place for the man to live, but instead it represents him. See, this is my kingdom, it's me, so far what i've brought it! And because of that the house is so crowded with gunitures that t's no very clear that:
The collection of things that make youfell comfortable is too much - the people
the german version is better to read... so read it if you can
Was lazy to update my blog nowadays... No many interesting things to tell also.. Ok.. here's a glimpse of my daily life:
7.00am : Alarm from my hp rings...i close it and go back to zzz
7.20am : Wake up and bath
7.30am : Zzz again with my clothes ironed on my bed
7.50am : Go out and wait for bus.
8.15am : Reached school then simply walk around
8.30am : Christina enters class, n she always looksso yummy lol.. then bla bla boring lesson
9.15am: sms joycey to wake her up if i remembered... *only apply on monday, wednesday n thursday
10.00 am : recess
10.15am : class resumes
11.45am : break time again
12.00pm : class resumes
12.45pm : class ends then go back do whatever i want!!!!
Nah.. i prefer to z..coz most of the time can dream of her
So that's my boring routine.... damn
I'm trying macromedia flash, anyone can enlighten me a bit on it? lol.... sux sux sux....
by the way i need to learn upmore german words....
"And on the way down
I saw you
And you saved me from myself
And I wont forget the way you loved me
One the way down
I almost fell right through
But I held on to you"
Artist : Ryan Cabrera Title : On The Way Down
I really like this song although it was released in 2004. Just got a chance to "get to know him"... before this Ryan who... Finallt can get a good pop album coz it's hardto get one lately...
and i've been downloading Photoshop CS2 for 16 hours from at 5.38kb/s... wtf...and guess what when it still has 36Mb to go the whole fucking connection disconnected .. Damn!!! i really hate those ppl who are using bitcomet... then what to do... i resort to bitcomet. Downloading the CS2 plus the keygen together... i really hate it whenu lost everything in a blink after such a long wait.. and to star my problem with, WT bought me the pirated disc from low yatt at RM 5, imagine that , original version costed USD600++ ....and most of the discs u get from low yatt are faulty.... So from now on, i'm gonna spend my time downloading free software online... Whoever, who is not happy with me, find my IP address....
And i'm not a grahic designer, i never even touched PS b4, just wanna have a look at it... So it's the same as the trial version provided by adobe... So i promise will delete it within 30 days... i cross my heart... If...if... i got a hang of it, then it would be a different story.. hahhahahahhahah
I dunno but have u observed before other people on their 1st date? It's really sweet and it goes very naturally lol
You can really tell them from the way they acted.They will look at each other sweetly and smile every second. When one of their orders arrive, she/he will wait till the other one arrives too before digging in.And the girl will never, god forbid, finish her food. Like never. She will always push the food around when talking to the guy but won't eat when he is talking to her.
Haven’t been blogging for a while since my class started… Now having German intensive course and my lecturer is totally hot!!! Everything that comes out from her mouth is “gut, super, toll” everything nice n good… even though u made some stupid mistakes… Just simply like to enter her class all the time lol… Was seriously busy with all those home works and helping some other people that I sometimes don’t even have time for myself.. And below is the result for the test that R gave me:
“You are the classic person that everyone loves. You are the best friend anyone could ever have and never want to loose. You never cause harm to anyone, and nobody will ever understand you or your feelings. You are usually used by others because of your good nature and loving qualities. Those who do respect you do so in the most honest way. Life is a journey, you always on an adventure, funny and calm, yet full of too many ups and downs for the most part. Stay away from traitors and jealous people as they are the ones that bring you down... then you will be stress free.”
My god… Am I that good? Not fair, I want to be bad.. all bad… and yeah the only part that’s wrong and totally not me is I have never caused any harm to anyone… Instead I do it all the time, by purpose or accidentally. Because the only thing that one need to beware is my mouth.. Really I won’t hesitate to blast anyone to pieces if he/she stepped on my toe or crossed over the line…
And I think the most important part of the description is “nobody will understand me” . Seriously saying I can’t do anything but to agree wholeheartedly with that. As what Joyce, who likes to probe n interrogate me , made a conclusion that I’m always in the dark cause I don’t want people to know much about me because I’m afraid, afraid of people to know my weakness and everything. It’s like I always act like a jerk to protect myself… And I tend to avoid all those questions that are too personal.. So what? Don’t like it is it? Only I can comment on people and no one can ever do that to me.. HaHa!! It's just that u only know a part of me, maximum a quater.. coz my life is splitted in this way..If you think you know me very well, think one completely knows who i am
Say, I’m a good friend anyone could ever have… lol By talking of this I think I’m a good friend… although I won’t be those sweetie type with lots of encouragement but I know I will help one if he/she needs any help.. But there’s a limit, as so far what I’ve seen around helping people has it own limitation that means it’s a sin to help those who only know how to seek help but doesn’t want to take any effort to help themselves by relying too much on other people.. Talking of this, really made my blood boils because of the 2 blur idiots living above my room….
This post turned out less than what i planned to write, seems like i've lost touch with my writtings
There are so many problems in the world, but yet many of us turn the blind eye when we encounter these problems. We do this because we do not yet know how to react to these problems and how to deal with these problems. Think for a second, have you thought of getting anything like cancer? Have you thought of a never lasting relationship with a husband? Or have you ever thought of a case where there are certain things in this world that you can't change, like for instance the war and conflicts in many parts of the world. We are truly aware that these things exist, but we do not dare think of the consequences because we are afraid that we might not be able to do anything to stop it. We never stop to think for a second that anyday, it might be our last day on earth. Most of us don't even stop to think of illness or death at all. We ignore these problems because it is something that is either out of our reach to change and we just don't want it to happen. That is why many people suffer from emotional shock when they receive bad news like the death of a relative or an illness.
We all like to think about this world as perfect. For the moment everything is beautiful. That is good, I'm encouraging that. In fact, I think sometimes people have to be more optimistic about the world. But how about preparing yourself mentally and emotionally to face the toughest of challenges. You know someday you may get ill, you know someday you might divorce, and you know someday you will die. What will you do when you are there? Where will you turn? What will you do when you are alone? Of course you must be optimistic and there is always a way out of your problems, a way to solve your problems. Everything could be solved, it just takes courage to face your fears and be prepared to accept what comes with the natural course of time.
The Buddha once saw death, he saw sickness and he saw old age. He was shocked by the event, but he never set it aside. Moreover, he set out to find an answer to why this is happening and if anything could be done. Death, sickness and old age is not too bad. It is the suffering that comes with it. Mental and physical agony. So, the Buddha found the cure in four noble truths. He acknowledged that many events that occur are just a course of life and one must be brave to move on to the next level. Here he identifies the truth, does not ignore it and moves on if there is nothing you can do in cases of natural causes. What is important here is recognizing a problem and learning about it and then find ways of dealing with it. If it's something natural, we have to accept that fact and form a non attachment behavior to it, for instance relationship, life and money. These are somethings that we can lose and it is something we have to be aware of and be prepared for. By identifying a problem we can set out ways to prevent or solve it. The Buddha saw a way for preventing death as preparing for a better afterlife, hence the laws of karma and the ultimate goal of nirvana. This is of course a heaven afterlife for buddhist idealists. However, this is one example. Or we can come up with means to preserve life scientifically, somehow.
Out of the many probems of natural causes, a non attachment attitude plays a very important role to the things that could affect us. It doesn't mean that we should not take life seriously, it only means that we should be ready if something out of the blue happens even if we have tried our best. We try to eat healthy, live healthy, work hard and try to be happy. Happiness is key, but when all you've done doesn't work out, still, be happy because life is unjust sometimes, and life is a play of chance. Destiny is chance because you can never expect something that will happen in front of you. You can only predict (identification of possible problems) and make necessary effort to stop it. But even if you can't stop it, it is ok. That's what I mean by a non attachment attitude. Still however, life has to be taken seriously and we have to work hard for what we want, but always be prepared and consider all possibilities and still be positive. Know that when something happens, it is sometimes a course of nature and it will somehow happen. Move on with life.
Anyone has this book? lol
Angel: Casefile volume 1?
I just only have volume 2, couldn't find it in any book store, so mind finding it out for me? lol thx

OK another post about my boring book review... cannot is it? i use 4 hours to complete this one: Angel Monolith. And the storyline and the characters described iN the book really reflect what the characters in the series.. No further details on the book though, coz i'm lazy to write down everything.
Here's the cover shot with Angel & Connor:

And yesterday was my bday.. 15 July and i'm 19 d... quite old hahahah... still have 5 months before i leave for Germany, can;t wait for it...
Went to celebrate it in kenny rogers with my coursemates and collegemates.. BUt b4 that i took a busfrom Kangar to KL .. The moment i reached Pudu i headed to McD next to petaling street to have a meal, since i was famished , didn;t take my lunch.. They only provide malay food along the highway. Continue with my story, then i tried to walk to Times Square... duh can;t actually see it from p.street, so i walked around until i saw confucius high school... then walk further up n i saw the building...
So just use common sense walked towards the building... then what.. i dun have anything to say d... just a tyical boring entryas, i'm so tired now... afetr walking around with my friends... anyhow.. thx guys
Stupid Borders in Times square, never sold any Angel or Buffy series books, searched for a long time under the Horror section, Fantasy section, Fiction section, the computer inserting "Angel" which turned out more than 300 results... Buffy which gave me "special order" result... what the... Never catered for everyone's needs also... but the do offer free Marvel comics for me to read, like the Pheonix Endsong.. and the malaysian edition of Marvel comic at RM 1.90 each, but is unde Gotham comics... saw the joke? batman from gotham is actually under DC comic... n DC comic is the arch rivalof Marvel...
Found something interesting today!
See this:



and This ...

So the 2 world largest IM service providers are working together... Yahoo ! or MSN? now there's no difference...You can send msg from yahoo to msn and vise versa... fun right? hahaha.... But in order for users to use it, they must sign up for yahoo messenger 8.0 beta, and have already installed Windows messenger live 8.0 ... Doi need to make myself clear?
Went for another enew on my medication for my lungs infection... And i think i got the all clear sign d, except the doc extended my medication to 6 days... 6 days of smelly urine then, cause i need to take antibiotics... bla.. I think i should become a GP, cause i was taking the same medcation on my own also... Not that hard become a doc also... Anyone not happy with this remark , come and find me :p
Sometimes i really think blogger is really unfriendly towards 56 k modem users all the time ... Well, can't blame me for not having a DSL connection at home, coz no one will be using it also when I’m not around... And well, you can't do anything much also if u are at home for the break and having lungs infection at the same time... I didn't know phlegm is originated from our lungs despite i studied bio when i was in high school...and yeah my lungs are covered with it , therefore i cannot breath properly.... Blame it to the weather or viral infection, i don't know... Or maybe it's asthma... How do i know... i never developed this condition b4...
And well, managed to finish a children story book last weekend... it's called The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian .... which i got from my bro and which he received from the school for his good result... Instead of a sophisticated novel, wthout any twist or turn, climax which is just duh.. you can't notice anything....and guess what it has a price tag at RM 24... hmm i can just simply buy myself a novel from the Angel collection with RM20... and i don't understand why the school gave out something like this to the form 5 students.... It doesn’t suit their level....Unless, they took into account of MALAYsian standard...
cover pic from amazon

So this is something i found out from wikipedia about the title: (all are linked to wikipedia)
Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia is a
novel for children by
C. S. Lewis, first published in
1951. It was the second of the
Chronicles of Narnia, though in the overall chronological sequence it comes fourth.
Ooo, and they are going to make it into a film that is going to release in spring 2008...
Me myself never had the chance to watch the lion, the wardrobe and the bla bla.. also... since this story book is easy to comprehend don’t worry if you got lost in midway... Coz you won’t, unless you are an I*****...
This is from amazon:
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: HarperTrophy; Reissue edition (July 8, 1994)
Language: English
ISBN: 0064471055
See the recommended reading age? I rest my case… Secondary school, 16 year old teenager reader books for children half of his age… hahahah
And yeah for some hot facts, this book is written by CS Lewis who is a good friend of JRR Tolkien... the author of BORED of the rings...Do i need to say more?
Since WM2006 just ended with Italy winning the cup , and i was so delight about it and Zidane got a red card in the final 10 mins, so i decided to post some information about the trophy... Just for fun... lol ... Bear with me with all those link, was lazy to edit them... Yala, i copied everything from wikipedia so what, sue me...:p Oh yeah i forgot it's free licenced, that means i can take everything i want... bla... but still have to give credit to those people who posted in wikipedia... and yeah i like the jules rimet cup more.. it looks nicer... too bad can;t upload the pic in blogger, maybe because of the connection, will try again later. I know i'm cheap for copying all those stuff.. bla
FIFA World Cup Trophy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe World Cup is a
gold trophy that is awarded to the winners of the
FIFA World Cup. Since the advent of the World Cup in
1930, two trophies have represented victory: the Jules Rimet Trophy from 1930 to 1970, and the FIFA World Cup Trophy from 1974 to the present day.

The Jules Rimet Trophy was the original prize for winning the
World Cup. Originally called "Victory", but generally known simply as the World Cup or Coupe du Monde, it was officially renamed in 1946 to honour the
FIFA President Jules Rimet who in
1929 passed a vote to initiate the competition. Designed by
Abel Lafleur and made of gold plated
sterling silver on a blue base of
lapis lazuli, it stood 35 centimetres (14 in) high and weighed 3.8 kilogrammes (8.4 lb). It was in the shape of an octagonal cup, supported by a winged figure representing
Nike, the ancient Greek goddess of victory.
World War II, the trophy was held by
Italy. Ottorino Barassi, the Italian vice-president of
FIFA, also the President of
FIGC, secretly transported the trophy from a bank in
Rome and hid it in a shoe-box under his bed to prevent the
Nazis from taking i
20 March 1966, four months before the
1966 FIFA World Cup in
England, the trophy was stolen during a public exhibition at
Westminster Central Hall. The trophy was found just seven days later wrapped in newspaper at the bottom of a suburban garden hedge in
South Norwood, South
London, by a dog named
As a security measure, The
FA secretly manufactured a replica of the trophy for use in the post-match celebrations. The replica was also used on subsequent occasions until 1970. The replica was sold at an auction in 1997 for £254,500, when it was purchased by FIFA. The high auction price, several times the reserve price of £20,000-£30,000, led to speculation that the auctioned trophy was not a replica, and was in fact genuine. The trophy has since been proven to be a replica. Subsequent to the auction, FIFA arranged for the replica to be displayed at the English
National Football Museum in
Brazilian team won the tournament for the third time in 1970, and were rewarded by being allowed to keep the real trophy in perpetuity. However, the cup was stolen again on
19 December 1983, when it was taken from a display at the
Brazilian Football Confederation headquarters in
Rio de Janeiro. The trophy was kept in a cabinet with a front of bullet-proof glass, but a rear made of wood, which was prised open with a crowbar.The trophy was never recovered; it may have been melted down. Four men were eventually tried and convicted in absentia for the crime. The Confederation commissioned a replica of their own, made by
Eastman Kodak, using 1.8 kilogrammes (3.97 lb) of gold. This replica was presented to the Brazilian president in

FIFA World Cup Trophy
The replacement trophy was first presented at the
1974 World Cup to Germany's captain
Franz Beckenbauer. Designed by
Silvio Gazzaniga and produced by
Bertoni, Milano, it stands 36.5 centimetres (14.4 in) tall and is made of 5 kilograms (11 lb) of 18 carat (75%) solid gold with a base (13 centimetres [5.1 in] in diameter) containing two layers of
malachite. The trophy, which weighs 6.175 kilograms in total, depicts two human figures holding up the Earth.
The trophy has the visible engravement "FIFA World Cup" (outpouring letters) in its base.The name of the country whose national team wins the tournament is engraved, additionally, in the bottom side of the trophy, and therefore is not visible when put up normally. The text runs like "— 1966England", i.e. in English. At the moment nine winners have been engraved. It is not known whether FIFA will retire the trophy after all of the name plaques at the base are filled in; this will not occur until after the 2038 World Cup.
FIFA's regulations now state that the trophy, unlike its predecessor, cannot be won outright: the winners of the tournament receive it on loan for four years and receive a replica (gold plated rather than solid gold) to keep.
This is the 2nd week of my break and i still having time of my life relaxing, duh except a few idiots keep sending me sms asking whether i still got books to sell or not.. come one rest laa dudes...
So just loitering around the house since , so here are some pics that i would like to share around lol:


These are just some varieties of potted orchid in my home.. my mom planted around 30 pots

So this is the yellow rose in my compound lol

Some red rose buds

And this is my fish pond, kinda small from this angle
Bla stupid blogger always got error uploading pics.. all pics are taken with my SE K700i, so dun bother about the quality , unless somebody wish to sponsor me a better camera phone or a digi cam hahhaha
Our life is just like a book, everyday we start a new chapter and end everything at night… Sometimes we just get a steady pace for a long time; sometimes we get excited for a long time.
Wonder what will we encounter every new day? May it be good? Or may it be bad? Is our whole path been written by some unknown higher beings or we are just opening and exploring our own path?
It’s true that life is unpredictable, like a stone throw into the water and causes ripples, sometimes it lasted a while, sometimes not… somehow, just somehow every move, every decision that we take will determine the outcome of the story…
For me, my whole life or my so called “book” is just plain normal, of course with some ups and downs, but mostly ups…because I seldom met with failure… And I dare say this is not a good sign… Those who never met with failures won’t grow up… really … I think I have everything right night, at this moment... And if you ask me to let it go, I won’t… And one day if I lose everything I wouldn’t dare to think the consequences…
This is the path that I need to take alone, write only by me. And there’s no take 2 in life… You only got one shot... And no one will give you a second chance…
Wonder how a storyline will be without any climax
or orgasm (no pun intended); it will be damn bored… How to make the book interesting then? 1st you need to find an antagonist then find trouble with him/she… so I pitied those nice people who always have smile on their face… maybe the smiles are fixed on a mask and they always take them off every night, when no one’s around.
So I don’t believe there’s no one out there that doesn’t have any problem… people see me as the one without worries, but I do have my own problems, just that I conceal it smartly, but really if compare to others I think I only have minor problems, just a storm inside a teacup once in a while… Basically I don’t think much far into the future and just do whatever I have in front of me…I’m happy with it… You can say I’m not ambitious; yes I’m not… so what…Same as the book you won’t know what will happen next until you flip to another page.
How to end the book then? Will it end with a high note? Or will it just stop abruptly? It all depends on the path we took and is thee any surprise element installed in it…So for now, why don’t anyone just take a break, unwind, and rest yourself... Sometimes I’m really tired of the rat race that I’m participating in… How long will it go? When will it end? Where will it lead me? Can I bear the outcome? You tell me…as a reader…
After a new facelift this blog page looks so much better, thanks to the photo contributor and the photo editor who is also the man behind the scenes doing the web design. What a weekend i've had and plus the 4th of July Independence day celebration everything was a beautiful fairytale from start till finish. I watched Discovery being launched into space at 1.35 pm exact, Central time and it was beautiful. The last time I saw a rocket being launched was back when I was in primary school (elementary school).
I'm now back from the celebration and am excited to start school again. I have some house chores to get done tonight, like washing the rest of my clothes and folding the ones I had done but that's not biggie. I felt excited to write in this new blog design. I can't say it's very beautiful though, but the color suits well. As for the theme of the design, I have no idea what it's supposed to be. You'll have to wait until the designer comes up front with the answer to this question. What were you thinking Jeff? Dirty walls, pictures of wanted soldiers and a deserted alley? The color is modern but dark and the wordings, anything goes, gives it an impression that this is a blog where you can voice your opinion and be heard on any topic you like. There is a freedom, like nothing else, but the dark colors suggest a dark humor and whispers. So, what are your thoughts?
Update : By angelusi'm the one who did the layout, the pic edited a bit... but the wordings are from Arlynx ... and the pic is from xiao yun...Na just like the colour, doesn't have much meaning.. No theme lol.... Just base on my feelings lol

stupid post
I woke up this morning 10am, not because i received a sms from joycey, but instead i dreamt of space shuttle discovery exploded while lifting off lol...This is weird but i used to dreamt of my exam question in secondary school lol...
So i rushed down n checked the news paper.. and this is what u can hope from a malaysian news... they are always slow... yesterday was 4th of july in malaysia, but the lift off should be somehwere after midnight in malaysia... but actually nothing happened to it.. lol
here's the pic..

And talking about football germany lost , 2-0 to Italy.... A sad case for the host nation. and both of the goals are in the final 2 minutesin the extra time. The 1st goal is from a corner kick at the last 2 minutes, cause i presume Jens Lehmann is caught of guard, and this made the germans panicked and all of them ran foward, and simply shoot lol... and guess what not much defence back home, and then del peiro kicked another ball into teh goal at the moment the final whistle is blown... and no more.. sigh... the best world cup match up to date in the WM2006 ....
Germany never won over Italy since 1972 in any single international match.. And they never lost to any other foreign nation in the dortmund stadium.. what a night... Jurgens Klinsmann looked smart for a guy in his 40s, still sharp lol
Yeah... Completed the layout after 2 days... Just couldn't stop in mid way.. Haven't put wordings on the background yet...
And thx xiao yun for giving me the pic.. real nice.. got nolstagic taste :p
Melvin dun be surprise now !!
Will still work on ur banner.. i wanna try flash animation lol...
And who's the australian guy or gal who has been visiting my site for more than 100 times? can u plz raise ur hand? lol... I dun think it's xiao yun lol... Coz she only visit blibical and israel site at "" lol
have been working since yesterday for the new layout, but somehow always encounter with some fonts problem...
See, i always use MS Word to type in , to reduce the spelling errors, then copy and paste into blogger, but the layout will never support the fonts and what u can see is the stupid symbols and everything.
heck i should smack my head, Sometimes, simple is better like what R reminded me.. She said all those famous blogs use simple interface, coz the pics that they put up will be nice... Yeah, should smack myself on the head again.. This simple stuffs also i forgot... so i choosed another layout .... Have fun... duh !!!
Here are some of the screen shots on the layout that i worked on:


And then the main error is below: NOTE... damn.. i hate it

Think i need to revamp this page also... But i dun have any photo editing software, think anyone would lend a hand? hahaha, recommend a few that's good and won't eat much resource, and Melvin, i will try create an advertising banner for you :p
And did you really sell off your previous gems? hahaha... Lame, bored, nothing to do... everyone's schooling ...
What to do, what to do .... boohoo... lame.... bummer....There's basically nothing here :p
After some gruesome 5 to 6 hours, i finally get the new layout for up and running.
Firstly i need to give credit to Arlynx ... Yeah!!! She did it alone when i was away.. Really felt embarass for her... GO GAL... You are the best... Pro using notepad somemore... Me?? need the help from some Front Page lol..
Hmm maybe we should put some of the "failed attempts" up , so the rest can see the development? Haha... Arlynx is really good... She even waited until 2 am for me :p hahahah But very disappointing to see Brazil got kicked out by France 1-0... Sigh... No more Cafu... France... a miracle... Although i hate them, but they should be given teh credit, for the nice passing n dribbling... Blad guy, strictly for Zidane, you were not bad....
K laa.. neew to rest for a while, gtg ...
“Why don’t you wait until morning, then knock at his door and punch him… Tell him everything u want him to know… And after that straight away go back to your room and sleep like you never before, everything will turn out fine…”
This was what I told her at 3something in the morning, while Italy and Ukraine match were still going on for the WM 2006.
Something that make me wonder, she’s really a tough girl … lol… can go all day long without sleeping and she was waiting until 7 am to send her friend… haha…
And I did ask her why didn’t she sleep… and she said she can’t, her mind is always at work…haha but mine not :p
I don’t know , but I think I felt something for her , I don’t know how to describe it , just wanted her t go to bed … That’s all that I asked, cause before this I always saw her around with her cute panda eyes, and yesterday she told me it’s getting worse.
But then, who am I to butt into her business? Maybe the same thing is happening to me now, I sleep at 3something and wake up at noon… lol consider not normal already :p And I never used the excuse cause I need more time to study , coz I don’t . Instead I just stay up late because I wanted, and I feel there’s no point sleeping also…
Later she talked non stop about her pics and how she loves it.. hehehe for me it’s very cute with small little wording “somebody save me”* is it grammatical correct? lol… and she was like squatting at the middle… very very cute… coz she’s vey very petite, and was … Aww.. don’t know how to phrase it. Just cute… and the lightings, orange background, sunset I think provides a panoramic view. But too bad her friend holding the camera was like shaking… and the pic was quite blur. Maybe if I ask she will let me post it :p

So that’s all… Hopefully she won’t skin me alive for featuring her in my blog:p
P/S: her pic is up